
In 1976 we started collecting information to help us find ways to bridge gaps in public debate and mediate community disputes.  We saw the value of keeping fastidious track of the different group processes, facilitation exercises, process improvement tools and techniques, forms, templates and hints that helped him in his work.  

We believe that sharing ideas and knowledge is a vital part of building a sustainable community.  For that reason we've provided a variety of helpful forms, tools, tips, hints, checklists and articles that you can use in your own work with groups.  All we ask is that when you use something from the website, you let others know where you got it.  It’s that simple.  Just give us credit for our work.  

To download information simply click on the appropriate link. And don't forget to check back with us often.  Our materials are updated regularly.

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© LL Decker & Associates, Inc 2015